

I swore on my crooked pinky I would post tonight -- so here it is.

I've hit the halfway mark on Fisher's Island. 5 weeks down, 5 weeks to go. The time is going by a little too quickly, but I know that at the end of the summer I'll be itching to get off this tiny little island and get back to a normal (well, semi-normal) adult life. But for now, life is good. Every time I teach kids how to windsurf and I see the look of elation on their face as they land a tack or jibe for the first time, I am reminded of how much I love this job.

I reached a milestone on Saturday night -- the first time I've ever worked in a restaurant (aside from the time the head cook let me use the deep fryer at Camp Sunshine during Lupus week). Every night, Hay Harbor Club turns into a restaurant (the "sunset lounge" or something) where Islanders can lay down ridiculous amounts of money for good food... and lots of spirits. So I bussed for four hours, and got to eat really delicious leftovers afterwards. Although a milestone (and although I didn't NOT enjoy it), this will probably not be an oft repeated experience in my life. But I have to admit, I did enjoy overhearing the conversations of the rich and not-quite-famous. Lots of politics, and lots of drunken antics towards the end of the night. Next time I'll bring a camera.

I finished reading "Life of Pi" -- very interesting and quite the unexpected ending. I definitely recommend it. And I just started on "Wild Swans," a personal history about China in the 20th century. Reminds me a lot of "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. I didn't learn too much about the Far East in high school/college so I'm making up for it now.

Not too much new going on. My sisters are both coming to visit next weekend to celebrate Klarissa's 21st birthday. We're going to dig for clams, have bonfires, go fishing, and eat obscene amounts of ice cream. Among other things. I can't wait.

Some random shots of the island (and me):

Some of the kids I teach at the Thursday night dance. The boys wear the cutest clothes.

Oh, and I'm an aunt 2X. Erin had a beautiful little baby girl named Rachel Corrine. 3 lb 10 oz, born on June 20 --- she just came home from the hospital today.

She's going to be a heartbreaker. Especially if she has a crooked pinky like her aunty Jen.


the Gloaming

I'm finishing up my third week here at Hay Harbor Club on Fisher's Island. The first week was spent mostly repairing windsurfing equipment and getting things in order. I've been teaching now for about two weeks. I couldn't ask for a more beautiful location (the water could be a tad bit warmer... although it's been much warmer than I anticipated). The kids are fantastic and all I do is spend a few hours a day teaching them how to improve their kayaking strokes, take them on mini-adventures (usually involving sliding their kayaks down rock slides into the ocean) , and teach them to windsurf. I usually have six to eight 45 minute private or semi-private lessons daily, and fill the rest of my days with reading, babysitting, and watching episodes of "the Office" on Michael's computer.

I live in a place aptly named the "Golf House" as it sits on a nine-whole golf course and also houses the golf shop. I have a great roommate from Massachusetts and can wake up to the sound of waves crashing. Fishers also has a unique smell -- lots of wildflowers like honeysuckle. The weather, for the most part, has been ideal. We have had a few overcast days where a thick fog settles over the island the entire day and makes me think this place would be the perfect setting for a New England murder mystery, espcially because there's a streat called "The Gloaming."

And if you have a house on Fishers, you must have lots of Fishers insignia that shows the island: belts, ties, flip-flops, car stickers, backsplash tile. You name it.

John and I cooking at our friend Kathrin's house. We do a lot of that.